How To Get Smoke Smell Out Of Wooden Furniture

How To Get Smoke Smell Out Of Wooden Furniture

If you love the smell of smoke, but can’t stand the smell of wood smoke in your home, there are a few things you can do to get that odor out of your wooden furniture. First and foremost, if you have a fireplace in your home, make sure to use fresh firewood each time you light it. If that’s not an option for you, you can try using a fumes box to smolder the wood instead of burning it.

A good scrub may remove odors from wood furniture

scrub wood furniture

Wooden furniture can sometimes develop a smoke smell. This odor is often due to the accumulation of oils and sweat on the furnishings. A good scrub may remove these odors from wood furnishings.

Vinegar to get smells out of furniture

Vinegar to get smells out of furniture

Vinegar is a great way to get smells out of furniture. It is effective at removing fumes and pet odors, and it is also non-toxic. Simply pour vinegar onto a cloth or sponge, and apply it to the stain. Allow the vinegar to sit for a few minutes, then vacuum up the mess.

Coffee grounds and newsprint help eliminate smells

Coffee grounds To Get Smoke Smell Out Of Wooden Furniture

If you’ve been struggling to get the fumes scent out of your woody fitment, try using coffee grounds and newsprint. This combination is a natural antibacterial agent that will eliminate any lingering odors. Simply mix together 1 cup of coffee grounds and 2 cups of newsprint in a large container. Soak your furnishings in the solution for several hours, then vacuum the area clean.

Baking soda

Baking soda To Get Smoke Smell Out Of Wooden Furniture

Baking soda is a great way to get fumes odor out of woody furniture. Simply sprinkle some baking soda on the affected areas and let it work its magic for a few hours. You may also want to use a vacuum cleaner to help remove the lingering odor.

Scrub the Surface

Scrub the Surface

If you have a smoke smell coming from your wooden furniture, there are a few things you can do to scrub the surface and get the scent out. The first step is to remove any pieces of fabric or paper that may be trapping the fumes . Next, use a concentrated solution of dish soap and water to wash the surface of the furniture. Finally, dry the fitment with a cloth before airing it out.

Apply Citrus Cleaner

Citrus Cleaner To Get Smoke Smell Out Of Wooden Furniture

Are you trying to get the fumes smell out of your woody furniture? If so, you may want to try using a citrus cleaner. Citrus cleaners are effective at removing smoke smells from wood surfaces. They work by breaking down the chemicals that create the scent . Some of the most popular citrus cleaners for cleaning wood include lemon juice, orange juice, and vinegar.

Vacuum cleaner

Vacuum cleaner

Vacuum cleaners have been around for many years and come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Some are designed for small spaces, while others are more suited for large rooms. One thing to keep in mind when choosing a vacuum cleaner is the type of flooring it will be used on. 

Some vacuum cleaners come with attachments that can be used to get rid of smoke smell from woody furniture. Other attachments can be used to clean carpets and rugs. It is important to select the right attachment for the task at hand so that the vacuum cleaner will work best on the flooring being cleaned.

Murphy’s Oil Soap

Murphy’s Oil Soap To Get Smoke Smell Out Of Wooden Furniture

Murphy’s Oil Soap is a great way to get smoke smell out of wooden fitment. Just apply Murphy’s Oil Soap to a cloth and work it into the wood. The oil will remove any smoke scent and the wood will be left smelling fresh and new.

Soft cleaning sponge

Soft cleaning sponge

To get rid of the smoke smell from woody fitment, you can use a soft cleaning sponge. Simply wet the sponge and wring it out. Then, apply the wet sponge to the surface of the wood and rub it in circular motions. Be sure to rinse the sponge off after use to avoid leaving any residue behind.



Water may be the key to getting a smoke smell out of woody furniture. A recent study found that a diluted solution of white vinegar, lemon or lime worked well at removing the odor from wood. The solutions were sprayed onto the fitment and left to soak in for several hours. Once the smell was gone, the fitment could be treated with a sealant.

Spray bottle

Spray bottle

So you’ve got wooden furniture that smells like smoke. What do you do? One option is to use a spray bottle filled with water and vinegar. Wet the wood surface and then sprinkle vinegar over the top. Let the wood soak up the vinegar for several minutes, then rinse it off. Be sure to repeat this process several times if necessary. The smoke scent will be gone!

Citrus-based wood cleaner

Citrus-based wood cleaner

Wooden furniture often acquires a musty, smoke smell over time. This can be due to the accumulation of bacteria and other microorganisms, as well as environmental pollutants such as smoke. To clean wood furnishings and remove this unwanted smell, you can use a citrus-based cleaner. Citrus-based cleaners are safe for both natural and synthetic materials, and they are also effective at removing smoke smells.

Clean soft cloths

Clean soft cloths

If you want to get the smoke odor out of your woody furniture, you should clean it with a soft cloth. Remember to avoid using harsh chemicals or water, as this could damage the wood.


If you want to get the smell out of woody furniture, there are a few things that you can do. You can seal the cracks and crevices with a sealant, air out the furnishings for a few days, or use a natural cleaner like vinegar.

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