In today’s world, it’s not enough to just wash dishes. You need to rinse them, dry them, and put them in the sink to reduce the chance of cross-contamination. This isn’t always easy or easy at the same time. You may wonder how to clean the kitchen sink? This is a regular household item that you see almost everywhere. It is one of the most common tasks you will face while moving forward in your life. You may think that it is a simple task but it’s not. The kitchen sink is filled with chemical laden waste that you have to get rid of. It is your gateway to help you avoid carcinogens, solids, liquids, fats, and oils. In this article, we take you through some good tips on how to clean the kitchen sink.
Give Your Sink A Thorough Rinse
If you are not thoroughly washing your dishes during this kitchen phase, you will have a much more difficult time removing all the excess water and cleaning up the mess that will result. Give your sinks a thorough rinse with cold water, followed by hot, so that all the water has been removed. This will reduce the chance of cross-contamination, which is one of the biggest challenges you will face while cleaning the kitchen. This will also keep your dishes clean and their natural oils contained.
Sprinkle Baking Soda All Over The Sink
This one is pretty unnecessary, but still great. Sprinkle baking soda all over the sink to get rid of all the baked food. This solution is easy to use, can be found in any kitchen sink, and will not contain any harmful chemicals. Many people use this in the kitchen to get rid of all the gloop from their drinking water, but if you are using it in your home, you don’t need to do that.
Squirt Dish Soap On A Clean Sponge Or Cloth
Many people think that they should wash the dishes first before rinsing them. This is not a good idea. You need to rinse the sponge or mindless cloth before you can wash the dishes. This is because not all the oil and brine from the sponge will get removed. Instead of rinsing the cloth, what you should be doing is cleaning it with the sponge. When the sponge is thoroughly saturated with oil and brine, it will pull the excess water and Spirit out of the cloth. This will help to reduce the chance of cross-contamination.
Start Scrubbing!
If you have really hard water, you should definitely not just “scrub” the surface. You need to scrub the entire sink in order to get all the impurities and dirt that may have gathered above the surface. This process should be long and hard, but necessary. The dirt that builds up in the sink is what gets flushed out by the water heater. If the water heater is not removed or replaced within a year, the dirt that builds up in the sink will remain. It is best to start this process a few months ago and then rinse off as needed.
Sanitize To Clean Kitchen Sink
This one is important because it will make all the difference in the long run. You should be using a non-chlorine, non-biodegradable sanitary towel when you are in the process of cleaning the kitchen sink. This is to prevent the build-up of bacteria and other unwanted substances and to help to prevent cross-contamination.
Clean Faucets
If you are going to clean the kitchen sink, you will likely want to clean the faucets as well. Although the process of running is not the focus of this article, you should definitely be cleaning the faucets to keep them clean and free of build-up.
Deodorize The Disposal Or Drain
If you are going to clean the kitchen sink, you will want to ensure that it is not sending as much carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere as possible. You should be doing this by reducing the surface area (or surface area plus volume) of all the potential sources of pollution (water, power, air) used in the kitchen. You can do this by aiming to have less surface water flowing through the kitchen than it used to.
Final Thought
The kitchen sink is a common task that you will face in your life and it is one that is often neglected. It is a place where you will find yourself searching for the perfect cleaning products and solutions as you try to remove all the unwanted items from your kitchen table. This article will help you learn how to clean the kitchen sink effectively and to a high standard.